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We work with our neighbors in the Mid-Hudson Valley to create a hopeful, joyful home for us all.

BCAN member at a climate rally

Photo by Valerie Shively

What We Do

The Mid-Hudson Valley is our home, so we’ve come together to find political solutions for the climate crisis and empower communities to take action at all levels of government. We believe that the impact of our local organizing can ripple out well beyond our region to other parts of the state and the country. Embedded in all of our work is the intentional prioritization of marginalized communities who are most impacted by the crises we face. From this context, we work to:



Organize policy campaigns that provide tangible benefits for our communities, ensure an equitable transition to a future that leaves no one behind, and honor our relationship to all living beings.




Elect leaders who champion bold, progressive policies that prioritize the needs of people and the planet over corporate profit.



Recreate systems of care in our communities by participating in mutual aid, hosting free events, and partnering with other community groups.

BCAN members at a press conference


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How We Work

BCAN members canvassing in Beacon
Get in, we're changing the rules!

We are ambitious and visionary when it comes to climate justice. We are laser-focused on creating systemic change to our broken politics. And we know that the biggest political changes happen when people collectively demand better.


That’s why:

  • we engage in activities like deep canvassing to get to know our neighbors

  • host free community events to bring people together

  • support and inspire our community to advocate for policies at City Council meetings.

Get in, we're changing the rules!

We are ambitious and visionary when it comes to climate justice. We are laser-focused on creating systemic change to our broken politics. And we know that the biggest political changes happen when people collectively demand better.


That’s why:

  • we engage in activities like deep canvassing to get to know our neighbors

  • host free community events to bring people together

  • support and inspire our community to advocate for policies at City Council meetings.

BCAN members at a bi-weekly meeting
We get sh*t done

We're transparent, strategic, nimble, and action-oriented. We are realistic about the magnitude of the issues we face, but stay focused and optimistic.


That’s why:

  • we have working groups dedicated to political change, community care, communications, coalitions, and finance

  • we have bi-weekly meetings so the full group can stay connected

  • an annual strategy retreat allows us to step back to reflect on our successes and areas for improvement, and set goals and action items for the next year.

BCAN members at a skillshare event
Here for a good time AND a long time

We believe community and collaboration is key to long-term thriving. We find ways to care for each other, and move forward with joy, respect, and an exuberance for our home. 


That’s why:

  • we host monthly skillshare workshops and regular social hangs

  • we’ve done big things like acting quickly to support migrants sent to Dutchess County from NYC

  • we do small things every day like helping each other out with pet sitting, lending anything from a hedge trimmer to a car, and sharing food.


BCAN’s Housing Justice Budget
So we can actually afford to live in a green future.

Affordable housing is top of mind for everyone in our community, as proven by the hundreds of conversations we've had with neighbors in Beacon and Fishkill over the past two years. It's a complicated problem, but we're determined to advocate for equitable solutions that prioritize the needs of everyday people, not developers and private equity-backed landlords. 


After getting Good Cause passed in August 2024, we're calling on the city of Beacon to dedicate money in its yearly budget towards finding solutions to our housing crisis, like hiring a housing justice coordinator and funding public awareness campaigns on tenant rights.


Good Cause Eviction in Beacon (Again!)

On August 19, the Beacon City Council unanimously passed Good Cause Eviction, which will help protect tenants from exorbitant rent hikes and unfair evictions. BCAN worked hard to ensure that Beacon's law is tailored as much as possible to meet the needs of our community, ensuring that the maximum number of renters are covered. 


This win would not have been possible without the hard work of BCAN's members and allies (including our friends at Community Voices Heard, Housing Justice For All, MHV-DSA, and For the Many), who wrote letters and emails, spoke out week after week at city council, and met with their ward representatives.


We have a long way to go to build a more affordable, accessible community, but this was a key first step to keep people in their homes.

Beautiful Futures Campaign
Green Jobs. Housing for All. A Livable Community.
BCAN members's child at Beautiful Futures press conference holding up a sign that says "Protect my future"

We believe that local government can (and should) make a direct, positive impact on people’s lives. That's why we’re calling on our leaders to embrace policies that put the needs of our Hudson Valley community and environment first.


To start, we talked to neighbors in Beacon, Fishkill, and Poughkeepsie to understand what folks’ concerns and priorities are—and how we can make the government work better for us all. Our Beautiful Future starts now, and it starts with us.


We also endorsed local candidates in the 2023 election cycle who supported our vision and pledged to champion it while in office. 

BCAN’s first WIN:
Gas-free new construction legislation in Beacon

BCAN members at a rally for gas-free new construction in Beacon

Photo by Valerie Shively

On March 13, 2023, Beacon became the third municipality in New York to pass legislation that will prohibit the use of natural gas in nearly all newly constructed buildings and major renovations (effective January 1, 2024). The move will save residents money on their utility bills, cap fossil fuel emissions from buildings in the city, and protect the health of children and families.


How did we do it? BCAN spent months talking to our neighbors and collecting over 400 in-person petition signatures from supporters, collaborating with two City Council members as allies (Paloma Wake and Dan Aymar-Blair) and consistently showed up to City Council meetings in large numbers to make public comments, among other tactics.


Thanks to the organizing efforts of BCAN, Beacon has passed one of the strongest electrification mandates in the country. This bolstered support for NY State’s All-Electric Buildings Act, which passed soon afterward as part of the state budget. Learn more about our first campaign win.


Taproots Festival

Saturday, 11/2 | 2-5 p.m.

The Yard (4 Hanna Ln., Beacon)

With the climate crisis, global violence, housing insecurity, and a looming high-stakes election, it’s never been more important for folks to come together and take care of each other. That’s why this year’s third annual Taproots Festival is all about community care: learning to give (and receive) support from your neighbors.


Join BCAN at The Yard on Saturday, 11/2 from 2-5 p.m. to connect with neighbors, receive care and support, enjoy free food and drink, and learn how to get involved with local groups working to strengthen our community! Everyone has a role to play in creating a resilient, thriving local community. We can help you find yours (and have some fun along the way)! 


Check out all of our local press coverage, including video interviews, podcasts and more.

The latest on Insta



Donations help supplement our optional membership dues. We use these funds to cover things like administrative costs, supplies for events, and printing. We are currently limiting donations to a maximum of $600 per year from any single source to avoid situations in which a few people have too much power over our decisions.  Please note that donations are not tax-deductible.

Beacon Climate Action Now

In the face of the climate crisis and the related crisis of care, our vision is to create systems of democracy, resilience, and regeneration, resulting in a hopeful, joyful future of collective flourishing.

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© 2023 by Beacon Climate Action Now

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